Hi! This one might be tricky... Help with T-Minus Formula *First time posting!*

edited 09/19/24 in Formulas and Functions

Hi! I am basically looking for a formula that will return me a "T-2" result.

For example, a product is launching on 12/31/2025, and XYZ activity is taking place 01/31/2025. Ideally, the formula would tell me it's T-11 from the launch.

Does anyone know how I could solve for this?



  • AravindGP
    AravindGP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @LeeAnnS

    You can get this done, but you'll probably need to make two columns to capture the year of the start date of the task and the year of the final end date, provided it is just the month lapse that you're looking at. Once you've them, you can write this formula to get the result you need.

    ="T - " + IF([Year of the final end date]x > [Year of the particular task]@row, 12 - MONTH([Date of the particular task]@row) + MONTH([Date of the final task]x), IF([Year of the final end date]@row = [Year of the particular task]@row, MONTH([Date of the final task]x) - MONTH([Date of the particular task]@row)))

    Substitute x with the row# of the final task's date. If the final task appears in row 30, the formula will read [Column name of the date column having 12/31/2025]30

    Date of particular task refers to the date of XYZ task in your example

    Year ones are the new columns you will create to capture the year of each task and the year of the product launch date


    Aravind GP| Principal Consultant

    Atturra Data & Integration

    M: +61493337445


    W: www.atturra.com

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