CountIFS with multiple criteria in second range

Looking to capture the certain status of a Purchase Order in a list of orders associated with several different projects. So i have range 1, criteria 1 = "Red", Range 2, Criteria 2 = Multiple project numbers. Keeps returning unparseable or incorrect arg. Is there another formula I should be using?



  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    COUNTIFS should do what you need. How are you specifying the multiple project numbers? You need to include an OR function.

    For example, if range 1 was size and range 2 was color, you would specify all the colors to include within an OR function like this.

    =COUNTIFS(size:size, "small", color:color, OR(@cell = "Lavender Mist", @cell = "Turquoise Splash", @cell = "Electric Lime"))

    So for you it would be:

    =COUNTIFS(range1:range1, "red", range2:range2, OR(@cell = "project number 1", @cell = "project number 2", @cell = "project number 3"))

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