Need help with formula on helper sheet to pull specific data from other sheet.

I have a sheet where employees submit information to me. I created a helper sheet because I want to see all of the employees who submitted requests 2 or more times in the current month. Is this possible to do?


  • AravindGP
    AravindGP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Justine

    In your helper sheet, list down all of the employees and do a count if to get the number of times each employee's name has appeared in your main sheet. You can then draw a report or create a filter to get the list of employees who have submitted information more than once.


    Aravind GP| Principal Consultant

    Atturra Data & Integration

    M: +61493337445


  • Justine
    Justine ✭✭

    Is there a way to avoid doing the list of employees and only bring over the ones who meet the criteria of 2 or more requests in the month?

  • Kerry St. Thomas
    Kerry St. Thomas ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If the name on your submission sheet is the primary column, you can create a report. Use a helper column (type Checkbox) where =IF(COUNTIF(Primary:Primary,Primary@row)>1,1,0) and then filter the report where the helper column = 1/Checked. Group that Report by the Primary, and summarize it by Count of Primary column. That'll give you what it appears you're after. If you have access to the Pivot app, you can also pivot by that primary and count whatever additioanl info is in your need to summarize.

    If this answer resolves your question, please help the Community by marking it as an accepted answer. I'd also be grateful for your response - "Insightful"or "Awesome" reactions are much appreciated. Thanks!

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