How can I summarize information from Column Headers across multiple rows?

I am trying to summarize information from multiple columns within a Smartsheet to identify Columns that may or may not apply to a specific Team. Using the example below, I would like to summarize the Columns that apply to Dept 1 and Dept 2. For example, the desired outcome of the example would note that Department 1 requires Training 1, 2, and 3 while Department 2 would only require Training 2 and 3.

Is it possible to summarize and list column headers? I have explored the possibility of using a INDEX COLLECT function but not sure this is a viable solution.

Would appreciate any insights or guidance to help solve this. Thanks!


  • BowenL
    BowenL ✭✭

    Hi @Andre Remillard ,

    You can use a formula that says if "training 1 = x" then return Training 1, then combine the three results with a space in between.

    Can you mock up and share the outcome you were invisioning?

    If you want to share your sheet with, I can jump in a take a look as well.

    Bowen Liu | Smartsheet Expert

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  • Hey Bowen,

    Thanks so much for your quick response. I have granted you access to this sheet so you can potentially help. I have created formulas to capture Training. At this point I will need help combining the three results. I have shared the desired output at the bottom. I am open to creating a new sheet to collate this information if needed.



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