Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Group Columns in Grid



  • Similar to the 'Group' and 'Ungroup' functionality in Excel, it would be helpful to select multiple groups of columns then have a way to categorize them as a group, then be able to toggle/filter the Grid to show only the columns desired.

    Use case example, you have columns for each month of the year and multiple years but want to limit the number of columns on the screen to only one year at a time. If you created a grouping for '2025' months, you could filter all columns to show or hide only columns related to 2025 months.

  • ✭✭

    It would be very useful to be able to group columns so that we can hide groups of columns rather than hide selection but only unhide all.

    This would ease readability of large spreadsheets by allowing users to quickly show or hide columns that they are interested in.

  • We really need this function as well. We use our sheets for project management and we have columns that affect different teams. I'd like to be able to group it somehow either by identifying it with a color or using column header grouping.

  • ✭✭

    Is column grouping even on the roadmap to add? This is a huge functionality flaw that, frankly, makes Smartsheet unmanageable for my needs. Until that's available, I have to stick with Excel.

  • edited 02/25/25

    Noting this is a duplicate of:*MTc0MDUwNzIwOC41LjEuMTc0MDUwNzM3MC4zMy4wLjA.

  • This would be very helpful. My one smartsheet takes up 2-3 screens, but would fit on one screen if we could collapse the columns by grouping just like in google sheets.

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