Is it possible to dynamically reference Sheets from a cell value?

Hey, hoping it might be possible to get a little help here as the search feature just gives me 1000 permutations of 'link to the other sheet.'

What I'd like to be able to do is link to a sheet named in a particular cell. So if Column 2 Row 1 says 'First sheet' and Column 2 Row 2 says 'Second sheet', I'd like the same formula in Column 3 Row 1 and Row 2 to use a value from First sheet and Second sheet respectively. Essentially what I would get from using the INDIRECT function in Excel.

Obviously pointing directly at these sheets is easy in the example above, but for the actual use case I have 60 identical sheets that I need to pull around 15 values from, and setting up the links just for one sheet has taken half an hour. The Report function does this perfectly via the Workspace Select function and a filter on the sheet name, but since you can't then use the values in that report in another table its usefulness dies. I've considered using a Report → Export → Import → Sheet setup, but given that you Data Shuttle won't let you export from a Report either, you're forced to do this via downloading an export which is a no-go for this.

It seems wild that no one else hits this use case - I've only been playing with our setup for 24 hours and already come completely unstuck without this. Hoping it's because there's an obvious solution and the search feature just isn't quite showing me it…



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