Sheet Name Hyperlink Navigation problem/proposal

I have a dashboard with a summary report that shows all my records within my Smartsheet, within the report i have the sheet name column which acts as a hyperlink and takes the user to the associated sheet where the record is located.

The problem is the link takes the user to the page but leave the user having to go and find the record that they are after.

Would it be possible to incorporate that once the user clicks the sheet name link it not only takes the user to the page but also highlights the row that the user had clicked on. this would in turn make the process of searching for the data much or efficient and time effective.

This could be a setting within the report widget behavior to toggle whether the link takes the user to the page and highlights the associated row or not.

hope this is can be considered




  • Georgie
    Georgie Employee

    Hi @Iains,

    When a sheet name hyperlink is clicked within a report, the user should be taken to the associated row (it should be shown as the top row when the sheet opens). 

    However, I have confirmed that this does not occur when the sheet name hyperlink is clicked within a report widget on a dashboard. I found a similar feature request here - I recommend adding your vote to this idea to show your support. Adding your vote will also mean that you’ll receive updates when the status of the idea changes.

    I also found this feature request for the ability to create a hyperlink to a specific row or cell - you may want to add your vote to this one too.



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