Auto Number column for forms

This discussion was created from comments split from: Auto-numbering from Forms.


  • Hi! Is there any solution for this issue? I also need to add an auto number to a form, and so far, I haven't figured it out. Can you tell me if this is possible?

  • MarceHolzhauzen
    MarceHolzhauzen ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @LilianaGoncalves

    At the moment, you cannot add an auto number to a form, but you can send a user / respondent an e-mail to advise them of the number after the form was captured.

    Here's how:

    In your sheet:
    Ensure you have a column that Auto numbers. This will assign a number to the row as soon as a form is entered.

    On your form:
    For this method to work, you need to do one of two things:
    1. Add a field to your form/sheet that asks the respondent for their e-mail address. This is where the mail will go after they submit the form
    2. Change the settings of your form so you need to log into Smartsheet to complete the form.

    (Option 1 works best if you are gathering info from external users and people that are not necessarily Smartsheet users)

    Note that if you opt for option 1, this will add a column to your sheet where this info is captured. It should be a contact column.

    Create an Automation:
    Back to your sheet, create an automation that triggers once the row is created. Choose the "Alert someone" action and then select the "Contacts in a Cell" option. Choose the column from the step above to identify who to send the notification to.

    In your message settings, you can do one of two things.
    1. Create a custom message to the effect of
    "Good day, the reference for your enquiry is {{AutoNum Column}} and it is about {{Description Column}}. Regards Your Favourate Team"
    and then select the "Message only" option


    2. Select the "specific columns" option and only choose the columns that you want the user to see.

    Hope this helps.

    If you need some more advise or just need a second pair of eyes on this, please let me know :-)

    Marcé Holzhauzen
    Solution and Delivery Consultant with Award Winning Partner
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