How do I set the Project ID column in the Intake Form to Auto-Number?

This goes back to when I recently had to restore the Intake sheet from a snapshot I requested.

The original intake sheet has the Project ID set to auto-number. The new intake sheet won't let me set it that way, stating it must be a text field. When I tried to create a new project, it did not generate a project ID number, so I can't link it to the metadata. What can I do?

See attached pics.


  • YveNigma
    YveNigma ✭✭✭

    Hello Kathy - I’ve done this before and I had to create a new id field to continue from where the last id left off. I replaced the field on the form and hide the original id field then for reports, etc. I set the filter to pull in both fields for historical and current data. Hope this helps.

  • Kathy PPT
    Kathy PPT ✭✭✭✭

    @YveNigma, Thanks, I'll try it. What strikes me as odd is on the original Intake sheet I don't have any hidden columns. I don't know how I over came this the first time around.

  • Kathy PPT
    Kathy PPT ✭✭✭✭

    Also noticed the Submitter and Intake Submission Date fields are not populating. They were auto-populating.

  • PM_Reeves
    PM_Reeves ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Kathy PPT

    Is the column you're trying to make an Auto-Number the Primary? That has to be a standard Text or Number column. (I know auto-number is a number, but Smartsheet, because reasons….)

    If so, make another column and just swap their positions.

    Hope that helps