Invited Guest (customer) to review Smartsheet. Error message" Your 30 -day trial is complete"

I have invited a customer to Smartsheet. She is now getting the expire of 30 day trial. How does she become a "guest" of the Smartsheet's I send to her?


  • che.rabajante
    che.rabajante ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Mar.Max

    She can still access the shared sheet or dashboard as long as they have been given free collaborator permissions (e.g., Viewer or Editor). These roles do not require a paid license, and the collaborator can continue working on the shared sheets or dashboards with the permissions assigned to them.

    Hope this helps.


  • Thank you Che for answering. She does have viewer permissions. Yet she still gets this error message. Any additional ideas by chance?

  • Is there a way to turn off the free trial message, knowing they do not want a full license, but rather are users where they were only shared a sheet?