Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Column Formula issue

HI all! I'm wondering why "#invalid data type" is showing after i convert this to a column formula, despite there being no date in the "Date-Reserve" column for it to pull from? I would expect it to be blank. I tried clearing the contents of those cells but it didn't seem to change the issue.

Best Answers

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    You can try this for the second formula:

    =IF(ISDATE([Date-Reserve]@row), IF(MONTH([Date-Reserve]@row) >= 7, YEAR([Date-Reserve]@row) + 1, YEAR([Date-Reserve]@row)), "")

    That will rule out any possibility of any of the dates not being treated as dates by Smartsheet.

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Give this a try:

    =IF(ISDATE([Date-Reserve]@row), IF(AND(MONTH([Date-Reserve]@row) >= 7, MONTH([Date-Reserve]@row) <= 9), "Q1", IF(AND(MONTH([Date-Reserve]@row) >= 10, MONTH([Date-Reserve]@row) <= 12), "Q2", IF(AND(MONTH([Date-Reserve]@row) >= 1, MONTH([Date-Reserve]@row) <= 3), "Q3", "Q4"))), "")


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