Automation when a timeframe is reached

Are you able to use an automation that when a timeframe is reached it displays a selected symbol?

For example I am wanting to make an automation like "When the end date is within 2 weeks display this 3/4 quarter bar full.

And like when the end date is reached display this full bar.. etc. for all 5 options.

But when I go into the automation to make this and try to select the column I have labeled with bars it down not show? ( no option under change cell value column action to adjust depending on date away from end date). Not sure if it is just not possible to do with the bar symbols or I am doing something wrong?


  • Jason Tarpinian
    Jason Tarpinian ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    For whatever reason, you can't change symbol columns with automations. You can however, change dropdowns. So what you could do is make a dummy dropdown list column "Helper Bar", with values of Empty/Quarter/Half…etc. That dropdown can now be used in the change cells automation. Then you can build a formula into the actual symbol column you want to use that looks like this:

    =IF([Helper Bar]@row = "Empty", "Empty", IF([Helper Bar]@row = "Quarter", "Quarter", IF([Helper Bar]@row = "Half", "Half", IF([Helper Bar]@row = "Three Quarter", "Three Quarter", IF([Helper Bar]@row = "Full", "Full", "")))))

    Jason Tarpinian - Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

  • Ty Werven
    Ty Werven ✭✭✭

    @Jason Tarpinian

    Awesome go that set up. Now I am setting up the automation for all. Here is what I tried and got the following…

    Do I need to Automate it in a different way? Should I make these seperate automations? Or maybe add more conditions so that they only appear if they are in a certain timeframe?

  • Jason Tarpinian
    Jason Tarpinian ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    My initial thought was individual automations for each, but that seems like it should work! Test it out tonight for sure, and mark a few dates 61, 31, 15, and 8 days out and check if it changes over the weekend.

    Jason Tarpinian - Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner