I use Conversations heavily to offload all of my older status updates entered in the Notes column to keep the main sheet view concise, so I'm constantly appending new text to the Conversations window for individual rows. Awhile back, the UI changed to shrink the visible entries to just a few lines so that you have to click the "More" link if you want to add more text below that.
Can we please remove the "More" link altogether and just display the entire contents of the Conversations textbox by default? The extra time it takes to click that link really adds up if you frequently add entries, or even if you just want to view the full history. I don't see any value-add for having to manually click to expand either, it just cuts off text leaving a lot of white space below.
Less clicks, something I'm always for.
Yes please!! My team utilizes the comments field on each row extensively like @Rachel Paiva and having to click the "more" option to read the full text of each comment is time consuming.