Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Sort Formula issues


This formula causes a #unparseable and can't figure out what is wrong:

=IF(Description@row = "Overall Project Risk", "0-00", IF([RAID Type]@row = "", "", IF(Status@row = "Complete", 7, IF([RAID Type]@row = "Decision", 1, IF([RAID Type]@row = "Issue", 2, IF([RAID Type]@row = "Risk", 3, IF([RAID Type]@row = "Action", 4, IF([RAID Type]@row = "Complete", 6, ""))))))) + "-" + IF(LEN(COUNTIFS([Finish]:[Finish], <[Finish]@row, [RAID Type]:[RAID Type], [RAID Type]@row)) = 1, "0" + COUNTIFS([Finish]:[Finish], <[Finish]@row, [RAID Type]:[RAID Type], [RAID Type]@row), COUNTIFS([Finish]:[Finish], <[Finish]@row, [RAID Type]:[RAID Type], [RAID Type]@row))))

Here are the column headers and I am plugging this formula into the first cell beneath "Sort." The intention is to carry the formula down the columm (so plan is to convert it to a column formula). Appreciate any insight!

Thank you!



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