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Obtaining Student Plans

Hello, has anyone had success obtaining free student plans or any insights into how the process works? I work at a university and am trying to secure plans for graduate students supporting multi-site research projects. I briefly spoke with our university's account manager, who indicated that student plans are managed outside her division. I’ve submitted the form twice now without any response. The confirmation says to allow up to ten business days, but it’s been 20 days since my most recent submission.

Here is the form I submitted: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/500daad069ac4b649f5d83f7a80ad814?_gl=11t81ult_gcl_auNTAyNjU0MjY3LjE3MzAzOTg1OTc._gaNjE0NTgwNzUyLjE3MjE4NDkxNjk._ga_ZYH7XNXMZK*MTczMDQwMDk3Ny4xNS4xLjE3MzA0MDIxNjEuNjAuMC4w

Thanks for any feedback!


  • kowal
    kowal Overachievers Alumni

    Hi Christina,

    I will not be able to help you directly as my education was finished long time ago and I work from outside US but thanks for bringing it to my attention as it seems to be a great program that Smartsheet started.

    If you are waiting already 20 days and there is no response to your submissions maybe you shall go directly to Smartsheet Support and open the ticket - even though it's only technical questions there you will get the ticket number and someone assigned to your issue.


    Let me know if it helped.

    Tomasz Kowalski

    The Real Smartsheet Enthusiast

    Is there anything else we can help you with? - book your time!

    MASA Consult - Your Aligned Smartsheet Partner

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  • JulieE
    JulieE Employee

    Hi Christina, I sent you a direct message and will help follow up on the status of your request.