Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Calaulate activity health based on % complete and Planned Finish date

In my sheet I have a column "% Complete" and "Planned FInish". Is it possible to create a formula which can highlight the row color in red, blue or green or yellow if % complete is less then 100% and planned finish is over a certain date (example 10 Dec 2024).

I am new at smartsheet, need help from our community.


  • Community Champion

    Yes you would use your conditional formatting to highlight the row the color you want it. Just go into conditional formatting and add new rule select the condition for your % complete column then click the drop down beside the new rule you created and choose add condition and set the condition for your planned finish then change the this format to the color you want your row to highlight.

  • The problem is, conditional formatting is not allowing me to create two conditions together. I need to make sure when the planned finish is less then 12 Dec 24 and/or % complete is less then 100 then it should flag the row in red color. I am only able to setup one condition and one action in conditional formatting. :(

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