Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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COUNTIF reference not working

edited 11/04/24 in Formulas and Functions

I have a time entry on one sheet where times are entered in the HH:MM (24 hr) format and another column that pulls the hour of that day.

[Time Received (FORM)] - time in HH:MM format

[Received Hour of Day] - pulls the hour of the day with the following formula:

=IFERROR(LEFT([Time Received (FORM)]@row, FIND(":", [Time Received (FORM)]@row + ":") - 1), "")

I created a metric sheet to show the counts for each hour of the day but it is not working. The formula there is simple:

=COUNTIF({NCQA Voicemail Tracking Range 1}, "00"))

*The "00" changes for each hour of the day.

I am getting "0" for the counts on each hour of the day and I can't figure out why.



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