Date Range and status formula


I have a metric sheet where I am trying to build a formula that references a date range column and status column of another sheet, but I keep getting "unparseable" or "incorrect argument".

I have tried the following formulas:

=COUNTIFS({Event Date},>=(2024, August, 1),{Event Date}, <(2025, August, 1),{Event Status},"Advice only") UNPARSEABLE

I don't know if it matters that my date column is formatted like this: Monday, November 1, 2024.

I tried changing the format to 2024-11-01 and used this formula

=COUNTIFS({Status}, "Advice only", {Event Date}, >=DATE(2024 - 8 - 1), {Event Date} <= DATE(2025 - 7 - 31)) INCORRECT ARGUMENT

Could someone advise



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