Formula to combine data from another sheet

I just had surgery and I am trying to keep track of my medicine inventory. So I created an inventory log of my medicine and I have it split into 4 columns as I want to keep track of each medicine so that when I am running low I can ask for a refill. So I have two sheets.

  1. Medication Count Management
  2. Medication Management

I am trying to pull information from Medication Management into Medication Count Management. So I tried doing the following: =COUNTIF({Medication Management Range 1}, "Diazepam 2mg" + COUNTIF({Medication Management Range 2}, "Diazepam 2mg") + COUNTIF({Medication Management Range 3}, "Diazepam 2mg") + COUNTIF({Medication Management Range 4}, "Diazepam 2mg")) But it comes up with the number 0 rather than the 4 it should come up with. Am I doing the formula incorrectly, should there be an OR in there. Any other advices?

Thank you in advance! I greatly appreciate it.



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