Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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edited 11/06/24 in Formulas and Functions

When trying to run this it shows "#INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET" error, not sure where i went wrong.

=IFERROR(INDEX({East - Service Status}, MATCH([Ticket No]@row, {East - Service Range 1}, 0)), IFERROR(INDEX({South - Service Status}, MATCH([Ticket No]@row, {South - Service Range 1}, 0)), IFERROR(INDEX({Tamil Nadu - Status}, MATCH([Ticket No]@row, {Tamil Nadu - Service Range 1}, 0)), IFERROR(INDEX({Puducherry - Service Range 1}, MATCH([Ticket No]@row, {Puducherry - Service Range 2}, 0)), IFERROR(INDEX({Rajasthan - Service Range 1}, MATCH([Ticket No]@row, {Rajasthan - Service Range 2}, 0)), IFERROR(INDEX({Andhra Pradesh - Service Range 1}, MATCH([Ticket No]@row, {Andhra Pradesh - Service Range 2}, 0)), IFERROR(INDEX({Delhi - Service Range 1}, MATCH([Ticket No]@row, {Delhi - Service Range 2}, 0)), IFERROR(INDEX({Karnataka - Service Range 1}, MATCH([Ticket No]@row, {Karnataka - Service Range 2}, 0)), 0))))))))

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

  1. Service Range mentioned is reference to another sheet


  • Community Champion

    Yo What are you trying to do with this formula? Can you provide more description? Also, here is a great question that has already been answered in the community that might help:

    Index Match Across Multiple Sheets

    Michelle Choate

    Always happy to walk through any project you need help with! Book time with me here:

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