Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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copy paste last 12 digits from the specific cell


I have a column with different bar codes scanned. Only FedEx has some 30 digits, so i need the formula that will look for 30 digits in a cell and copy past last 12 digits to the adjacent column.

I know how to use the "RIGHT" formula, but dont know how to tell it only for the cells containig 30 digits.

thasnk a lot!


Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    If you create a new column and use this formula there, it will give you the last 12 digits if the cell is 30 digits long, and will copy over the data from the Tracking Number column if it is anything other than 30 digits.

    =IF(LEN([Tracking Number]@row) = 30, RIGHT([Tracking Number]@row, 12), [Tracking Number]@row)


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