Team Schedule from a form submisson

Hello, I would like to create a form submission for our team of ~45 to input requests for shift times, and days off requests. I want it to encompass the entire month, with the option to select multiple shift times for each day, and multiple days in a week - We currently use an excel doc which looks like this



  • Hollie Green
    Hollie Green ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    This is how I have mine set up. It works really well although mine is time off rather than schedule but it would work for either. You will need to change the formulas on the calendar to include the time of day if you want it to show. On my calendar view of the calendar sheet the blocks marked out for privacy show my team mates email address and program they support as that is all I needed it to show but you can have it show the specific times as well. Each time off block your team wanted scheduled would need to be entered as a separate entry but it will pull in each entry to show on the calendar.

  • Can I set the shifts at a duration and just have a start time?

    Thank you for your help!

  • Sorry another question, when they submit on the form, does each request have to be a separate form entry? I am hoping to have them submit 1 form, with availability and shift preferences for all 30 days at once

  • Isaac A.
    Isaac A. Employee
    edited 11/13/24

    Hey @Cierra !

    Thanks to @Hollie Green for that helpful setup suggestion; it’s a great approach for your scenario!

    Currently, Smartsheet has a Product Idea on the roadmap for allowing multiple lines with a single form submission, which seems perfect for your needs. I noticed that you commented on the thread, and @Andrée Starå replied with a potential solution that might help you achieve this. If you haven’t done so, I’d recommend voting for that idea to keep up with updates and follow up with Andrée for more details.


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