Help with formula

I am currently using this formula and it works just fine.
=IF(AND([90 Day Window 3]@row = "Ready", [60 Day Window 2]@row = "Ready", [30 Day Window 1]@row = "Ready"), "Ready", "Not Ready")

But I am trying to add another part to it that has 2 things to referance to make true but does not work and Im sure its becuase or the refeance of the 2 things that need to make it true instaed of 1 as in the other formula. What I need to know is there a different sytax I should be using since I am referancing 2 things instead of one. What I am trying to add is the MOC Phase and they need to have either Montior or N/A in the cell that I am referancing to make sure but I cannot get this to work.

=IF(AND([90 Day Window 3]@row = "Ready", [60 Day Window 2]@row = "Ready", [30 Day Window 1]@row = "Ready", [MOC Phase]@row = "Monitor", "N/A"), "Ready", "Not Ready")


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