Adding additional rows to PMO a Project Metadata Sheet + Project Category ideas


Has anyone ever added multiple Project ID rows to a PMO Project Metadata sheet? Each one of our projects will have 7 component ('project') plans so I would like to have those included on the project metadata sheet. I did a test and added each component to the Intake sheet and then copied/pasted the first row on the Metadata sheet to pull in the ID #'s and linked the cells. So it appears that it will work, but I'm wondering if doing so will impact any links, formulas, dashboards, portfolio reports/dashboards, etc. down the road.

Also, what are some ideas on using the Project Category on the Intake form? We're trying to figure out how to use that column as we don't have set category types for our projects. We create educational materials for students and teachers so one project tends to cover materials for both.

Thank you for your help!



  • Michelle Choate 2
    Michelle Choate 2 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    So on your first paragraph - yes this is all possible, and it is also possible to set it up in ways that will not affect links, formulas, dashboards, etc. down the road. We would need to see screen shots of what you have to give you any ideas on how to improve.

    One idea is that you could leave the Project Category column as open text and let people put in their own category. Or you could make it a drop down if you have broad subject matter that it could be under such as Math, Science, English, etc.

    Michelle Choate

    Always happy to walk through any project you need help with!

  • @Michelle Choate 2 thank you for this info! Good to know that this is possible because each component doesn't start and end at that same time or directly after the other. I'm adding a some screenshots, if these are helpful. One is the mapped PMO with my notes, one is taken from my Intake sheet, and the last one is from one of my component plans. We do plan on adding a few more columns to the intake, metadata and plan sheets as we continue building it out.