We would like to be able to track actual time against the task level of project/sheets setup in Smartsheet, in Resource Management. Currently I can see the tasks in Resource Management, in the Work List of the project in Resource Management but I cannot track actual time to those individual items. It is critically important that we can track the actual work against the planned work at the individual task level.
I agree this is a critical component that is missing from Resource Manager time tracking!
There is a similar article for this requirement - https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/100953/track-time-in-resource-management-by-task-not-by-project-overall?_gl=1*14onx4p*_ga*MTU4Nzc2MjE2MC4xNzA5NzE2NjI5*_ga_ZYH7XNXMZK*MTcxMTAyOTM3NS4yNS4xLjE3MTEwMjk2NTIuNjAuMC4w&_ga=2.126234827.773021710.1711029375-1587762160.1709716629
This is not something that RM support at the moment
And yet, sold to us a capability of the current solution.
With advanced reporting now a thing, this is a logical next step to help report actuals against project tasks. Given that the suggested project hours on the RM timesheets are driven from synced tasks, it should be possible to surface the task names within the time bookings UI and as part of the analytics. Please get this sorted as it's a significant gap for some of our clients.
Our organization requires resources to track their time at a project task level instead of at an overall project level to enable us to identify if a resource is over or under on their actual work on a project task compared to the scheduled/allocated time on a task.
Has anyone had this issue in Resource Management?