Dynamic view auto filtering

I have a dynamic view page set up and a column included is an auto date column for when each row was submitted. I would like the only row to appear in dynamic view for each applicant to be the latest date in auto date column.

Is this possible?


  • Kerry St. Thomas
    Kerry St. Thomas Community Champion

    It very well may be. I don't know the structure of your data, so I am making a few assumptions - you might need to change things to fit your individual use case. On your sheet, include a checkbox column to mark "Most Recent". In this situation, it's possible something could change status in the same day and Smartsheet doesn't really play nice with the time-stamp idea - I prefer to use RowID as an Autonumber column. I am referring to that RowID here with the logic:

    =IF(RowID@row=MAX(COLLECT(RowID:RowID,[Full Name]:[Full Name],[Full Name]@row)),1,0)

    Essentially, I'm thinking you would first collect all the Row ID's for the individual applicant name, find the largest RowID in that group, then check the box for that largest RowID row ONLY. Mind you, this has a limitation: common names (e.g. "John Smith") might be shared across multiple applicants but if you only evaluate by name you risk excluding or crossing multiple dataflows, so you'll want to examine your data to identify possible unique identifiers.

    If you then build a Report filtered so that Checkbox column = Checked… you'll be able to build your Dynamic View from a Report instead of a Sheet.

    Good luck!

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