Multiple Criteria

I am working on pulling information using a countifs

=COUNTIFS({020-Contracts - In Queue Range 1}, "Agency Wide", {020-Contracts - In Queue Range 3}, "Requested")

Here in lies my issue, for the range 3, I want it to only count if its any of these:

3-In Progress
4-Approvals Requested
5-Obtaining Signatures

Is there a way to include them all? (I have others like On hold or Cancelled that I do not want counted.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.



  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    We could either count all of them or exclude everything else. Which list is shorter? The ones you want to include or the ones you want to ignore?


    =COUNTIFS({Range}, OR(@cell = "This", @cell = "That", @cell = "Something Else"))


    =COUNTIFS({Range}, AND(@cell <> "This", @cell <> "That", @cell <> "Something Else"))

  • AliT
    AliT ✭✭✭

    I think I have another issues that is barring that from working.

    This is the data that I am trying to modify to not pull the # of contracts or the amount for 4 different status' (shorter list)

    And the formula being used in #of Contracts column is

    =COUNTIF({020-Contracts - In Queue Range 1}, "ABS")

    and I wanted to modify by using Countifs. But I can't point it to a @row because its not there. I didn't build this sheet and I don't want to start from scratch.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    So you are wanting to modify your existing COUNTIF to a COUNTIFS and "filter" the results by excluding certain statuses? In that case, you would just need to add the S on there and then add another range/criteria set. The range would be the status column in the source sheet and the criteria would be the AND as demonstrated in my previous post.

    Although I'm not sure I follow what you mean when you reference "@row".

  • AliT
    AliT ✭✭✭

    Hi Paul,

    I mistyped and meant @cell. I will see if I can get this to work.

    Thank you for your help.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    @cell just tells the formula to evaluate the previously established {Range} on a cell by cell basis. The @ceelll reference doesn't really care what sheet it is on.

    For example, your existing formula

    =COUNTIF({020-Contracts - In Queue Range 1}, "ABS")

    could also be written as

    =COUNTIF({020-Contracts - In Queue Range 1}, @cell = "ABS")

    without making any difference to the count at all.

    But you do need it when using the AND or OR function like we are.

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