How best to share sections of a sheet

Hi, I have a training matrix that I need to make accessible in parts to people out of our smartsheet licenses.

We have a matrix that identifies needs for individual teams, and we need to send each team ONLY their section, in a way that is not just viewble, but editable (they need to be able to corret if we have identified training that is not needed or vice versa). None of the people we are sending it to have licenses, so it needs to be a way that can be accessible to them


  • Michelle Choate 2
    Michelle Choate 2 Community Champion

    I use WorkApps for this kind of thing. Do you have those available as part of your plan? In WorkApps, people do not need to have licenses, and you can use a report that does not have to have access to the underlying data. You could create a report for each team, and then create a role within the workapp for each team.

    Michelle Choate

    Always happy to walk through any project you need help with! Book time with me here: