Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Formula to bring back the 3rd Friday of next month

I need to calculate the 3rd Friday of each month consecutively on a sheet. I am looking for a formula that will take the date of the previous line and spit out the next month's 3rd Friday, in sequence. Any help would be very appreciated! Thank you.



  • Community Champion

    @Melissa Evanochko

    I don't know if there is an easier way, but try this:

    1. Add Column called [Previous Date] This should reference the previous rows date (Make sure the first row put in manually is the 3rd friday of the month).
    2. Add Column [Year] with formula: =IF(MONTH([Previous Date]@row) = 12, YEAR([Previous Date]@row) + 1, YEAR([Previous Date]@row))
    3. Add Column [Month] with Formula: =IF(MONTH([Previous Date]@row) = 12, 1, MONTH([Previous Date]@row) + 1)
    4. Add Column [Day] with Formula: =21 - WEEKDAY(DATE(Year@row, [Month #]@row, 1))
    5. Your date calculation would then be: =DATE(Year@row, [Month #]@row, Day@row)
  • Thank you, I will try this! Much appreciated.

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