Updating cells to Formulas

I have a sheet that we track miles for vehicles for services so 1 column is for a A the next B service. those columns set of formatting against currant mileage and let the mechanic know if a service is due. the issue we have is the A is every 18K miles the B is 36K miles. When a B service gets done it resets the A service but i can not make this happen. I did automation so when they update the B mileage it will delete the A miles. Is it possible to make smart sheets update the A column to the B value automatically when adjusted but still be able to except the new A miles when that is performed. i tired o instead of clearing A making it say "Update" than another Automation for a formula to copy B to A column but it gives me an error also it states I can not add formulas in automation. Hopefully i explained this well enough


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    You can have a column that indicates the mileage a service is due and then use a formula to pull the most recent mileage from both A and B then add 18k to it.

    A Service Due formula:

    =MAX([A Service Mileage Column]@row, [B Service Mileage Column]@row) + 18000

  • I am going to mess with it the Mechanic just informed me the trailers are 12/24K miles and the trucks are 18/36K miles so I will need to make a column for referencing truck vs trailer than probably Columns for the service miles wondering if i can do a IF based formula to represent if its a truck than if it is greater to or equals specific criteria for A due or B due than conditional format to blank un needed info.

    maybe its better to build this in reports and on a dashboard to just return the ones due for service as i think about it.

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