summing a number column if a certain selection is matched in a multiselect column

I have an Expense Intake sheet that has a multiselect column "Ships" where any number of ships can be selected; "Ship 1", "Ship 2", "Ship 3" etc. I also have a "Cost Per Ship" column on that sheet and a Month Column on that sheet

On my budget set up sheet I am trying to figure out how much was expensed to Ship 1 in January, but I feel the multiselect column on the Expense Intake Sheet is giving me troubles.

=SUMIFS({Month of Expense}, "Jan", {Expense Intake & List Range Ship}, Value@row, {Expense Intake & List Range Ship Cost})

But it is coming up as an Incorrect Argument Set, do I need to put in a CONTAINS?

Expense Intake sheet below

Budget Set up Sheet below

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