#Incorrect Argument Set

edited 01/15/25 in Formulas and Functions


I am having issues with a formula and am hoping that someone can help. I am trying to tie two separate columns (Project Percentage and Days Remaining) to automate a project status column. I am getting an incorrect argument set error.

Not Started = Project percentage is 0%

Complete = Project percentage is 100%

On Track = Project percentage is <99.9 and remaining days are >= 7

At Risk = Project percentage is <60 and remaining days are < = 6

Late = Project percentage is <99.8 and remaining days =0

=IF(Progress@row = 0, "Not Started", IF(Progress@row = 100, "Complete", IF(AND(Progress@row < 99.9, [Remaining Days]@row >= 7, "On Track", IF(AND(Progress@row < 60, [Remaining Days]@row <= 6, "At Risk", IF(AND(Progress@row < 99.8, [Remaining Days]@row = 0, "Late"))))))))



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