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Sheets Refreshing when you click a searched and found row

For some strange reason smartsheet has changed how the search works about 2 weeks ago. According to the technical support they have a reason, not explained to do this. In short previously when you searched for a row, maybe using client unique ID number, when the search finds the row(s) and you click on the found row, it goes straight to the row. With the new changes, the sheet refreshes and placed the found row on top. This is horribly inconvenient for us as we rely on search to update client files as and when an incident happen or they submit required documents. On an average day we update over 200 files, sometime one fil multiple times a day. So every time you search for Ray Charles, who is in row 60 in sheet A and row 500 in sheet B, you have to got through 2 refershes. Our clients register for the service via forms, every new registration we have to copy the ID# and search to ensure that it is not a duplicate entry. Thus for every new entry we have to go through sheet refresh.

I'm not sure any user here is happy about this new change, if you are happy let me know what makes you happy about it, if it is annoying, counterproductive and useless to you like it is to me, let's vote for reverting to the instant found row. Let's say No to Refersh!

Yes the support advised me to post this here despite having shown them the pain it brings to us. This should not be a suggestion, it is a bad decision and oversight. A bad start in the new year.

Happy New Year Fellas.

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