Date formula Error

Hello - I am trying to reformat a date by using the date formula. I have the day pulled out in a Number column, I have the month pulled out in a Number column, and I have a year pulled out in a number column but it keeps giving me invalid data type


  • L J
    L J ✭✭

    In your [Date Use] column (Text/Number format) , you could try:
    =JOIN(YEAR(DATE@row) + "-" + MONTH(DATE@row) + "-" + DAY(DATE@row))
    (where "DATE" is the column you're looking at, e.g. [construction ntp_Actual]

    Another option might be to look at the formatting options for the actual date column and choosing your desired display format.

  • Jennifer Kurtz
    Jennifer Kurtz ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @SarahConde -

    If I understand what you're looking to do, I'd suggest trying something like this:

    =DATE(VALUE(year@row), VALUE(month@row), VALUE(day@row))

    That will help you pull those year, month, & day number values into a date format. (I made an assumption that your "Date Use" column was a date column.

    Good luck!

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