Have you seen a change in the time taken to trigger a WebHook?

Lee Joramo
Lee Joramo ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 01/30/25 in API & Developers

I use WebHook in a number of places in our Smartsheet system. In the past after a sheet was saved, WebHooks would fire and be received within a few seconds by my servers.

Now I am seeing a consistent 60 second delay after save for WebHooks to contact my servers.

I think this change has happened in the last 6 months.

For most of my use cases, this doesn't matter. WebHooks trigger events that update other systems, and my users never notice a delay.

However some of the WebHooks trigger updates to the sheet the user is currently working in. In the past the user would see their sheet be updated within 10 seconds of a save. Now it is around 70 seconds, that is a HUGE difference in user experience.

The impact of this to up-to-now has not been that big. The users who I know have experienced it, trigger the webhooks so infrequently that they assume it is a momentary glitch.

However, of some of these sheets are seasonal. and I will soon be having many more users doing lots of work on affected sheets.

What is your experience with how long it takes WebHooks to fire?

I am wondering if I should move to brute force API queries of the sheets every few seconds and not use WebHooks for these time sensitive tasks.
