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Moving from Microsoft Access to Smartsheets

A few years back, I moved our excel spreadsheets to Access. This allowed all rangers to work on entering customer information at the same time. Fast forward to 2022 and the Army decided the macros in access weren't safe to use ( I know, access had many issues, but we made it work). Now, we are being encouraged to switch to Smartsheets, and so it begins. The mind map shows all the information I am trying to get to communicate together. In access, everything was connected by a customer number. If they had a dock, the dock had customer number associated with it and access knew when I searched that person here is there dock (or docks).

I have been struggling for some time now with wrapping my head around where to start. If anyone has created anything similar, I'd love to have some help. The Pro Desk is good, but so far I've not gotten much achieved. I have about 15 rangers who will be using this information daily, manipulating ownership, updating customer files, inspecting permitted/licensed facilities, etc. The picture gives you an idea of what the rangers see when they search a cusotmer in Access. Prior to the macros getting shut down, this worked wonderfully. We still had to manually input information (hoping we can use Smartsheet forms to assist with much of this).

Any help would be much appreciated. Currently, I have loaded the customer information and lake address into smartsheets. I figure if I can get these 2 parts to work together, the rest will work similarly.
