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Is Hide Weekends supposed to ONLY work with Monday as the week start date?

In the Calendar App, Daily View, if I select "Hide Weekends", but have "Sunday" as the start of the week, Friday and Saturday are hidden, rather than Sunday and Saturday. This seems very very odd to me.


  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 02/06/25

    Hello @Eric Helal

    I was able to replicate your issue and looked like "weekends" in the Calendar App depends on your Week Start.

    I'd recommend contacting Smartsheet Support to verify if this is a glitch or bug or if that's how it works.

    Melissa Yamada
    Data made simple, spreadsheets reimagined

  • Melissa - That's not what's happening, though. As I mentioned, if I select Sunday as the start of the week, and ALSO select "Hide Weekends," Friday and Saturday are hidden and Sunday is shown. If your expected behavior is as you described, then this is a bug. Would love to see it fixed.

  • For further reference, here's selecting Wednesday as the beginning of the week, then we see Monday and Tuesday are "weekends" to be hidden.

  • Last comment - sorry - I think what is trying to be expressed is "The begin week date is the start of a 5 day working period with no interruptions, culminating in a 2 day weekend." That is a reasonable enough feature, if highly opinionated for how staffing actually happens, but fine. However, as written in the Configuration Wizard, "Hide Weekends" doesn't do what I think those words naturally mean to a lay reader.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Eric Helal

    Sorry I wasn't able to grasp your concern at first.

    I was able to replicate your issue and looked like "weekends" in the Calendar App depends on your Week Start.

    I'd recommend contacting Smartsheet Support to verify if this is a glitch or bug or if that's how it works.

    Melissa Yamada
    Data made simple, spreadsheets reimagined

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