Formulas and Functions

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CountIF contains name from a contact list help needed

I have a column that is a contact list where a single or multiple staff members can be selected to be scheduled. I'm trying to create a formula that counts how many times each individual's names are listed as a scheduled staff member from the contact column.

The formula I came up with only pulls results if that person's name is the only person selected from the scheduled staff column not if they were one of the multiple staff selected. Justin below gets 6 as a result but should really show 60. The 6 is the only time he is listed alone in that column.

=COUNTIFS({Community Requests Range 10}, "Justin Crawford", {Community Requests Range 11}, YEAR(TODAY()))

Anytime I add contains to this formula. I don't get any results back. What am I missing? This should be count if Justin's name is listed in column 10, which is the scheduled staff column and range 11 is the year 2025 and the end of the formula confirms it's in this year.

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