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Enterprise account new feature: Notification Center

Peter Smith
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


Recently, there is new feature for enterprise account. Notification Center. So, even I do not open the email, I can know the notification I receive. 

My case is I have SmartSheet and set up 2 notification. Each notification will involve 30 accounting managers. My question is does notification center has the feature so I can see other collaborators notification center (for this case, the SS shared to all collaborators. 

I am not sure SS has this feature yet or not. This is very helpful to me. Therefore, I can ensure people receive the notification 




  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Peter,

    There currently isn't a way to see other people's notifications—rest assured if you've set rules for them to receive notifications and they have a valid email address or Smartsheet account, they'll receive the notification.

    You're welcome to submit a product enhancement request directly to our Product team using the form under Quick links on the right of the Community site.

This discussion has been closed.