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Calendar App Ad-On - PDF Generator

Scott B
Scott B ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


I'm using the calendar app add on to visualize some data. In the calendar view I have filters that when applied change what I'm seeing on the calendar as it should. When I then generate a pdf of that view I get a pdf that displays all data including what I had filtered out in the app. How do I generate a PDF that matches what I'm seeing in the app?




  • dAVE Inden
    dAVE Inden Employee


    At this time this the filter you apply in the Calendar app isn't connected to the option for downloading a PDF. The filter you set won't be applied to the resulting PDF. It will include all of the data in the calendar. We have logged this as an enhancement request to be considered in a future version of the Calendar app.

This discussion has been closed.