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Jira Connector End Date one way???

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have set up our jira connector to send an end date over to smartsheet.

however, if I enable dependencies, the connector changes this to a single direction from smartsheet to Jira.

This has changed a load of dates in jira that i didn't want it too!

Why does it do this? and does anyone have a handkerchief i can cry into?



  • Taylor F
    Taylor F Employee

    Hello Jones, 

    The change in direction in the connector is by design when Dependencies are enabled. Since the End Dates reply on the Start Date and Duration to automatically produce the End Date, it can't be edited so it becomes read-only.

    Just like if you had a read-only field, such as the Issue ID, in JIRA it will be greyed out and only one direction. 

    My recommendation would be to make sure that Dependencies are enabled prior to setting up the Workflow and this will ensure that information won't be sync'd unless you want it to be.

    Let me know if you have any questions.


  • Hello!

    I recently noticed this as well, and I wanted to only push Jira into SS, which then caused my "Due Date" field in JIRA not to update the End Date Column in SS after the initial load.  (gahhhh)  If my original sheet did NOT have dependancies enabled, I can use as intended - however it is somewhat frustrating to have to disable this feature in order for my Jira Due Dates to populate. 



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