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Within Alerts & Actions, I know how to send a notification to an Email Address within a specific column of a sheet via the "Contact in column" and selecting the column.  That is working great.

My question is whether I can send this notification, with a CC to me.  I know I can clone the original notification and send it to me, however, I would like to be CC'd in the original Email for two main reasons.

  1. I would know the notification was sent and could retain a copy.
  2. I would have a copy should the person say they did not get it.

FYI --- I tried to add 2 Emails Addresses within the sheet column being pulled, separated by the ; character (as used in Email), however, that did not work.




  • While not ideal, the immediate solution that comes to mind is if you make a column with your contact name in it, and select that column along with the column identifying the person to be notified in the alert creation window.

    The example below is in the context of a defect database, where both the person who submitted the defect as well as the next person who has to do something both receive the notification.  Can this fit your need?


  • Pam Alakai
    Pam Alakai Employee


    As Mike recommended, the best option will be to create a new contact column with your contact name in every row of that column. You can then hide that column (https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/504696-hiding-unhiding-columns) if you don't want it to be visible in the sheet. 

    Please note that Notifications do not automatically include changes made by you in the sheet. If you are setting up the notifications to be sent to yourself, you will want to adjust your personal notification settings accordingly.  To do that: Click Account, then Personal Settings, and click Notifications in the left panel.  Under Communication Preferences check the Include my changes in sheet notifications checkbox.  

    You can learn more about notifications here:  https://help.smartsheet.com/it/articles/542904-using-notifications

    Kind Regards, 


    Technical Support Specialist 

  • Bruce Case
    Bruce Case ✭✭✭✭✭


    I have tried this approach and it will provide me with what I need.

    Much appreciated.

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