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Alerts for only incomplete tasks

Jerry Tutt
Jerry Tutt ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I routinely send auto alerts 3 days before a task is due to serve as a reminder.  I recently began sending another alert on the date that a task is due.  However, I don't want to send the alert if the task is 100% complete.  I guess that I was assuming that the alert wouldn't be sent if the task is complete.  Is here a way to say to send the alert if and only if the task is not complete?  I don't think there is an option to add this condition.




  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    Actually, you can! If you add an additional date column to your sheet and add an if statement to check if the row is complete. 

    We have the start date, the end date, the percentage complete column, and an alert date. =if([% complete]=1,"", [end date]1)

    In row one it checks to see if the %complete row = 1 (100%, and if so, keeps the reminder date column blank. If not, then it puts the end date in the column. 

    Then we make sure to run all our reminders and notifications off the reminder date column. If someone marks a task as 100%  there will be no date in the reminder column and no reminder will fire. 

  • Jerry Tutt
    Jerry Tutt ✭✭✭

    Sounds good.  It sure would be a lot easier if they had the option to exclude the alert if the task is complete.  Thanks, I will give this a try.  


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    I agree. Submit a Product enhancement request about it. It would be great if the reminders had the same functionality as the notifications. The ability to only send based on data in other columns. 

  • Jerry Tutt
    Jerry Tutt ✭✭✭

    This solution works great.  I have already added it to several sheets and will continue to do so.  I have submitted a request to allow the option to specify to exclude completed tasks from the alerts.  


    Thanks again,


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