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Formula for RYG based on % complete

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Trying to get RYG symbols for % completed on tasks. I am getting #UNPARSEABLE

=IF([% Complete]4 = "100%", "Green", IF([% Complete]4 = "50%", "Yellow", IF([% Completed]4 = "0%", "Red", " ")))

Can anyone please help?



  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 10/24/17


    I noticed a few things about your formula:

    • Don't wrap numbers in quotes, only text.
    • Percentages in Smartsheet are treated as decimal values between 0 and 1.
    • I don't think you need the "" (return nothing) at the end. The formula will return nothing by default if none of the IF statements are met.

    With the above in mind, try a formula like this:

    =IF([% Complete]4 = 1, "Green", IF([% Complete]4 = .5, "Yellow", IF([% Completed]4 = 0, "Red")))

  • Thank you, I figured that out and was trying to delete my post when I saw yours! I appreciate it. I also saw a previous post of yours that is much more complex factoring in dates, which at some point I want to incorporate. We need to learn Smartsheet first. Signed up today!



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