Archived 2015 Posts

Archived 2015 Posts

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What is the easy way to get a title at the top of each page when I print?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

..and I do nto necessarily wish tht title to be the sheet name..



presently if I print a Gant chart it just shows my sheet name as a title, like a heading, at the top of page 1



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    If its a one page printout you can take the tick out of show sheet name and in the comments box at the bottom add what you want as a title.  This only shows on the first page and will be left aligned.  Any subsiquent pages will not have it.

  • edited 07/21/15

    Yes, I have achieved that..but what I would also like to do is to print subsequent pages - rather as one might in Excel using the "sheet" settings, choose t print some rows at the top of each page - witht he same note or title..or even with a consistent header?

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    I do not believe this is possible, especially the Gantt Chart.  With a sheet only you could stratigicly enter a tiltle in the top row to print out , but for subsiquent rows below the only way would be to insert a title row again with the title strategicly placed so it appears in each piece of paper.  If it is just the sheet and not the gantt then export to excel where you then have this functionality.

    Sorry i acnnot give you more at this stage

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