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Is there a way to auto-populate a field on a form to match the same field on another form?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I'm trying to create a 3-step, or 3-page, Production Order for commercial production. One page would be for client info, one for script details, and one for editing details for each commercial.

I have it set to automatically take the user to the next step once they hit submit. So each step (Parent Row, script, each edit) gets its own line on the sheet.

However, the AE is having to select their name and enter their client's name on every page to get it to match up back on sheet view. Is there a way to auto-populate the "Client Name" field and Contact List dropdown from the previous entry?

PO Step 1.png

PO Step 2.png

PO Step 3.png

Screen Shot 2017-11-09 at 11.30.03 AM.png


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