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Trailing Commas Break Predecessor Logic

John Sauber
John Sauber ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Before the new Predecessor column type was created in the Critical Path update, Smartsheet would automatically truncate extra commas or spaces in the Predecessor column. Smartsheet no longer does this, and it not only "looks" bad, but if the column isn't cleaned of these extra characters, the Predecessor functionality for that row litterally stops working.


This ia huge pain for us, because do a lot of direct manipulation on the Predecssor column, and picking out the commas everywhere is something we don't want to start doing, after we have not had to for so long.


Is anyone else struggling with this?



  • Hey John, 


    This sounds like a support case, we should probably be clearing any trailing commas from the predecessor column. The predecessor column did change with the release and the data is stored differently for the purposes of calculating critical path. 


    Thanks for the feedback, 



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