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Gantt Chart Due Date Flag / Milestone

JamesH ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


Is it possible to show a 'flag / milestone' as well as the duration bar on one line of data.  I would like to have a due date associated with a task, as well as a duration. Such that I can see instantly how close I am to a due date. 



  • Pam Alakai
    Pam Alakai Employee
    edited 11/16/17


    You will not be able to display the duration within the taskbar but you can certainly display the percentage complete column to see how close you are to the due date. Then, you can select the End Date column to be displayed on the right of each taskbar in the Gantt like in the screenshot below.

    To do this:

    • Create and name a percentage column. Insert the percentage complete values in each row 
    • Click the Project Settings icon  in the Gantt chart header. The Dependency settings form will open. 
    • Under Options, select the percentage complete column you just created. 
    • Click Timeline Display, Then under Display label For select End Date.

    This will show in the taskbar of the Gantt how much of task has been completed and when the task is due. I hope this helps.

    Kind Regards, 


    Smartsheet Technical Support Specialist 

    Screen Shot 2017-11-16 at 3.23.46 PM.png

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