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Emails not being sent

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


We have been trying to complete workflows this morning, but for one particular record, the recipient of the form has not received the email. We submitted it to three different addresses and they did not receive the email notification as well. 




  • Pam Alakai
    Pam Alakai Employee
    edited 11/22/17


    I would recommend checking the following: 

    • Is the the delivery setting set to right Away? This is important to make sure that the recipient can receive the notification right away when the criteria is met. To do this, click on delivery settings and select right away
    •  Are the notifications settings set to be sent to any email?  This is important in case the recipient is not shared to the sheet. To do that click Alerts and click on the settings wheel  on the top right and click the all email options. 

    If all the above are set up correctly. Then the cause of not receiving our automated messages is spam blocking. This blocking can be happening either on the email client or on the server level -- or both. Have the user check his spam filter settings to see if the emails are being routed to his junk folder.

    If your client spam filter is not the issue, please reach out to your IT department and have them add the smartsheet.com domain to your mail server whitelist to ensure your organization can receive emails from Smartsheet. 

    The following relays can also be added to your organization's trusted sender list:

    - ord.relay.smartsheet.com

    - iad.relay.smartsheet.com

    These should be referenced as acceptable addresses from which to receive email.

     Kind regards,


     Smartsheet Support


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