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Set a dropdown value for all selected cells

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

For nested items especially, it would be nice to select multiple rows' dropdown cells, right click, and set a dropdown value across all those that are selected.

So, 5 nested rows whose parent's dropdown for "status" is set to "complete". I'd like to be able to select cells from that same column for the nested rows and apply the same status.


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If you are always doing the same manual process, you could look at formulas to do it for you automatically.


  • Robert S.
    Robert S. Employee



    Craig is right that a formula could help automate this process for you. With your example, if you want all child rows in your dropdown column to be the same thing you set their parent to, you could fill that column with a formula like this:




    This will make a child row equal to it's parent for any column you choose to put this in. Keep in mind however that if the child row is ever manually changed, the formula will go away and would have to be put back in if needed.



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